Library Card Sign Up Month
Library Card Sign Up Month
September is Library Card Sign Up Month! Explore everything your library card gives you during this month-long celebration.
►If you lost your card you can get a free replacement card for the month of September
► Books, magazines, and newspapers
► E-books, audiobooks, and movies
► CDs and music to stream
► WiFi, WiFi Hot Spots, and Rokus
► Computer and internet access
► Free In-person programming
► Research materials and databases
► Expert reading recommendations
► Culture passes
► And more!

Home Page


We are currently hiring for a Part Time/Temporary Substitute. Please see attachment below. Applications for employment are available at the Service Desk on request or see attachment to print out a copy to complete and submit in person or by mail or email. Resumes are welcome.



Monetary donations are welcome and used where most needed unless otherwise indicated.  Checks are payable to "Mechanicsburg Public Library".  If donations are in honor or memory of someone, please let us know the name and address of the person to notify.  


Local operating levy renewed by voters November, 2019.  Thank you for your support.

From the State of Ohio Public Library Fund $273,296 or 73% 

From Local Property Tax Levy $78,870 or 21%

From Homestead Tax $10,979 or 3%

Other Sources $12,244 or 3%  

Total Operating Revenue $375,389

*statistics from 2018


Circulation:  36,860 (31,662 borrower check-outs, renewals, and in-house use of physical items; 2,043 digital downloads, and 3,155 electronic retrievals from databases)

Internet Computer Use: 1,371

Library Cards: 1,893 cardholders (257 new)

Programs:  199 with an attendance of 3,179

Questions: 2,845 (1,127 directional and 1,718 reference answers provided)

Visits to the Mechanicsburg Public Library:  average of 258 weekly visitors

Wireless Use: 5,687

*annual statistics from 2019

Public Access to Library Records

Mechanicsburg Public Library Public Service Policy 4 Public Access to Library Records

Openness leads to a better informed citizenry, which leads to better government and better public policy. It is the mission and intent of the Mechanicsburg Public Library to at all times fully comply with and abide by both the spirit and the letter of Ohio’s Public Records Act.

PS 4.1 Public Records


If you are new to computers, haven't used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, DigitalLearn has the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.


Techboomers "Here, you'll find tutorials on the most popular and useful websites on the Internet, from social networks and dating sites to everyday tools for getting directions and knowing what the weather's going to be like.  You can even learn how to listen to music, watch videos, and have phone calls right on your computer through the power of the Internet!  Plus, we have special resources dedicated to 50+ adults.  Come learn how the Internet can make your life better and easier today!"

GCF LearnFree

GCF LearnFree  "offers more than 200 topics, including more than 7,000 lessons, more than 1,000 videos, and more than 50 interactives and games, completely free.   For almost 20 years, the program has helped millions around the world learn the essential skills they need to live and work in the 21st century."