60 South Main Street Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044 (937) 834-2004 mpl@mechanicsburgohlibrary.org https://www.mechanicsburg.lib.oh.us/ Computer Skills, Essential Software Skills, and Using Technology in Daily Life. Visit https://www.digitalliteracyassessment.org/launch-from/13401-KZZ2mechanicsburg-public-library-oh0140 to make an account. Call the library at 937834-2004 to register for a proctored assessment and earn a certificate you can show potential employers. Rokus! Roku Express 4K+ devices are streaming dongles that connect to televisions via an HDMI port. They require a power source from a wall outlet and a Wi-Fi network that is connected to the internet. Homes with internet service but without a Wi-Fi router cannot use these devices; however, Rokus may be able to be checked out along with a Wi-Fi mobile hotspot, pending availability. Each Roku Express 4K+ device will have access to one of the following premium subscription services: Netflix, Hulu, or Disney+. Rokus are also equipped with several free apps. The Roku Express 4K+ devices will circulate for two weeks with no renewals. Patrons may only check out one Roku device per library card. Stop in to try one today, or place one on hold if not currently available! Story Walk! Enjoy our Story Walk, located at Goshen Park. The current story is Winter on the Farm by Laura Ingalls Wilder. What is a Story Walk? The Mechanicsburg Public Library StoryWalk® is a delightful, innovative way for children — and adults — to enjoy reading and the outdoors at the same time. Technology Trainer! Need help using your laptop or iPad? Want to create a Facebook profile but don’t know how to get started? Did you get a new smartphone and don't know how to use it? We can help! Our Technology Trainer will be available on Tuesdays 10:00 AM-6:00 PM, and Fridays, 10:00 AM-2:00 PM to help with your technology troubles. At this time, you can just drop in during the times they are at the library. There may be times they are not available due to scheduled programs, vacation or other obligations, so you may want to call 937-834-2004 to confirm they are working before you make a trip to the library. When possible, this will be indicated on the event calendar. Traffic Cone Kit! You can now borrow traffic cones! There are four cones in a kit to help you with the maneuverability part of the driving test. The kit checks out for 7 days with one renewal if no holds are on the kit. Wireless Printing! We are pleased to announce that we have installed Princh, a wireless document! Visit our website https://www.mechanicsburg.lib.oh.us/ or call 937-834-2004 for more information! Hours of operation: Monday – Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.