Volunteer Library Trustee

The Mechanicsburg Public Library Board of Trustees is seeking applicants for an upcoming vacancy on the Board. The trustee term is 7 years, beginning in January 2021 and residents of the Mechanicsburg Exempted Village School District are preferred applicants. The new trustee will be appointed by the MEVSD Board of Education.

If you are interested in serving on the Board, please submit a letter of interest and resume to the library, either in person, or by email (mpl@mechanicsburgohlibrary.org) or mail (60 S. Main St. Mechanicsburg, OH 43044) no later than November 18, 2020.

Please see https://www.mechanicsburg.lib.oh.us/board for more information.

Source URL: https://mechanicsburg.lib.oh.us/content/volunteer-library-trustee