Beyond Books
Beyond Books Collection
Cake Pans
The cake pans check out for 7 days with up to four renewals if no holds are on the pan. More cake pans will be available soon!

Traffic Cone Kit
There are four cones in a kit to help you with the maneuverability part of the driving test. The kit checks out for 7 days with up to one renewal if no holds are on the kit.

Disc Golf Kits
Borrow discs to use for the new Disc Golf Course at Goshen Park! The kits check out for 7 days with up to one renewal if no holds are on the kit.

Culture Passes
Current Culture Passes include Columbus Museum of Art, 4th Grade History Pass, and Monster Jam.

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Library Card Sign Up Month

Sign up for a FREE library card and find something wonderful at the library! There is something for everyone! Replacement cards are FREE for the month of September! Use your library card at participating business! $ 1 off your order at Burg Nutrition  Happy Druggist Pharmacy Adults: BOGO cards & GNP vitamins Kids: BOGO candy (excluding Anthony Thomas) 20% discount on enrollment fee ($9.99 off) at Rush Fitness

Printing with Princh

Princh Printing Available at Mechanicsburg Public Library! From now on you can use your own mobile device to print your documents! You can also print from your laptop! Princh also allows you to pay via your credit card or different mobile payment options. For more information click learn more or call 937-834-2004.

Volunteer Library Trustee

The Mechanicsburg Public Library Board of Trustees is seeking applicants for an upcoming vacancy on the Board. The trustee term is 7 years, beginning in January 2021 and residents of the Mechanicsburg Exempted Village School District are preferred applicants. The new trustee will be appointed by the MEVSD Board of Education. If you are interested in serving on the Board, please submit a letter of interest and resume to the library, either in person, or by email or mail no later than November 18, 2020.

At-Home COVID-19 Test

In an effort to continue community support during the pandemic, Mechanicsburg Public Library is excited to provide free COVID-19 at-home tests through curbside pickup. To request a test, please call the library at 937-834-2004 during open hours of Monday through Friday, 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM and Saturday, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.


Mechanicsburg Public Library is pleased to announce our new Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot lending program which will help make information more accessible to community members. The Mobile Hotspot lending collection provides patrons greater access to the Internet away from the library. To request a Hotspot, please call or stop by the library.


Hoopla Digital is a service available that includes instant access to over 500,000 eBooks, audiobooks, comics, streaming video (movies & television shows), and streaming music. Download the Hoopla Digital app for iOS, Android, or Kindle Fire or visit the Hoopla website to make an account with your library card and get started! Please call or stop by the library if you have questions about Hoopla.

Free Homework Help

The Mechanicsburg Public Library will be offering FREE HOMEWORK HELP for all ages! After school tutoring will be in person or virtual. We offer: homework help, reading practice, flash cards review, help with using library resources, assistance with virtual learning, free WiFi, and public computers.